Enjoy your trip!

Dave did a lending library style exchange for a while with a beloved antique teddy bear after his mother passed. Eventually the cousin decided its final home would be with Dave.

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That’s a nice story! I imagine/hope the things end up with the people who want/need them most.

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My brother cleaned out my mom’s house, so I wasn’t there for that part. Looking back, I kinda wish I was. Luckily, he moved a bunch of stuff to store at his house, so I’ll eventually have a chance to sort through what he kept. Have a great vacation, Edie!

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Ooh that’s kind of nice though. Missing the grunt work but still getting to go through the stuff when you have the time. I definitely didn’t do my share and it was still exhausting. I hope it makes for occasions for you and your brother to reminisce when you get the chance.

Thanks for reading and sharing your experience!

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