Thanks for sharing this, Edie. We struggled to set up care for my mom in the beginning of her Alzheimer’s journey, but at some point we couldn’t avoid it anymore. My brother and I feel bad about it sometimes, but she was living alone and we couldn’t stand down. We had to make sure she was safe and taken care of. These are such hard decisions!

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Oh Edie, you write so poignantly about Nina's situation and your parents unwillingness to consider what might happen in the future. I am 82 now and trying to make sure my kids know what I want when the time comes. Maybe it's easier for me b/c I have been single for a very long time and know that I'm the only one who can do that. Having a spouse and depending on the other person for most everything financial can be a trap. Women, in particular, are vulnerable. And those are not easy conversations to have. You have always been vocal and I for one really appreciate it. Whether it's about raising ski racers or facing your parents' mortality. Keep up the good work! Sam (aka Mary McKhann)

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Thank you for reading Sam, and for your thoughts AND encouragement. It means a lot. That’s a very good point about dependency being a trap you can fall into. Sounds like you have made your wishes known which is a gift! That link in the post to Compassion and Choices came from my sister and it’s helpful. Take care and stay cool!

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