Long ago now, we made a snap decision to bring my mom to our home when the doctor releasing her said she could not go home by herself--either a nursing home or one of her daughter's. This was not Alzheimer's, but she was not expected to live more than a month or two, so we thought we would avoid her dying alone somewhere. We could do this hard thing for a short time. It was a difficult TWO YEARS. Yes, she sort of surprised all the doctors and lived with us for two years, getting better along the way to the point where she was able to move out into her own apartment. That little segment is the happy ending part, but the two years was so taxing on everyone. It was definitely worth it in our case, but caring for a sick parent is not for the faint of heart.

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That is a huge commitment. Good on you and your family for making it happen and giving your mom that second wind. Also thank you for pointing out that the happy ending was not an easy path.

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Such a hard decision! My brother and I struggle a lot with it and always wonder if we made the right choice to move our mother to an assisted living home… thanks for sharing this!

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You are definitely not alone! It still sticks with me, though I don't know if I would do anything differently now. It's just one of those things with no good answers.

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